


Koichi Kimura (木村公一)

Statement of Opinion on the Constitutional Violation
of the Reinterpreted Security Legislation
木村公一  Dr. Koichi Kimura
Pastor, Lecturer at Seinan Gakuin University and Fukuoka University, Japan

In the middle of the forest there’s an unexpected clearing
That can only be found by those who have gotten lost.
The clearing is surrounded by a forest that is choking itself.
Tomas Tranströmer

I have worked as a pastor, as a theologian, and as a Christian educator for nearly 40 years in Japan and in other countries.

Throughout these years, I have been exploring, with my seminary and university students, what the human personality and spirituality are that make peace (Matthew 5:9), as well as pursuing an education that is aimed at forming such personality and spirituality.

Therefore, I will make a statement of opinion on the spiritual infringement and the existential damage I received by the reinterpreted security legislation enacted by the Abe administration last year.

Christian education attaches importance on human experience that comprises three moments in our lives, which are sin, repentance, and rebirth in a traditional doctrine of soteriology. These can be reworded as offense, remorse, and restoration in more secular terms.

This human experience is the foundation for understanding human beings, and it provides an important viewpoint in understanding the change of the world and history.

The human experience of offense, remorse, and restoration is not only that of one’s personal life. Rather, it also essentially includes the narrative of one’s social group and country.

In the case of the Japanese people, our collective human experience includes the history of our nation’s offense of military interventions into Taiwan and Okinawa that began in 1874 and the subsequent wars of invasion and colonial acquisitions on the Korean peninsula, in China, and throughout the rest of the Asia Pacific; our remorse for those crimes; and our restoration that we have sought through a new constitution after the war.

The citizens of Japan, among other things, reflect on this history of offense and remorse in Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution. We subsequently swore, to the international community, restoration from our offense and remorse in the San Francisco Peace Treaty’s Article 11 (1951).

Regardless of various historical problems in this Peace Treaty, we should not ignore the fact that we made public our offense and remorse.

Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, in particular, is the expression of our intent against war and our will for peace to the people throughout the rest of Asia, where our forefathers invaded. It is, therefore, a confession to the world.

This is the reason the current Abe administration’s reinterpreted national security bill is not only an act of violence that infringes on our constitution, but it is also an act of sabotage against the peace and solidarity that we have been nurturing with our neighbors.

What is more, we are not only the people who have been emotionally injured by this betrayal by our government; many people across Asia harbor distrust against Japan and have experienced immeasurable pain.

I would like to share a vivid example of this from my seventeen years in Indonesia, from 1985 to 2002, during which I served as a professor at theological seminaries in Central Java.

During that time, I learned that there were many women who had been victimized as sex slaves (so-called comfort women) by the Japanese military during Japan’s colonization of Indonesia over three and a half years, beginning in March 1942. I then sought the assistance of various local people in interviewing the women who agreed to give me their testimonies, and I published the findings in Indonesian.

It was through this investigation and research that I recognized, for the first time, the simple but critical fact that “war is rape.”

In the mid-1990s, over 20,000 women came forward to register with organizations that I had worked with, many of them revealing for the first time that they had been victims of the Japanese military’s sexual violence.

One survivor among the victims of Indonesia is a woman named Sukanti. She was a nine-year-old girl at the time. The Japanese army confiscated and stationed a unit at a Dutch troops’ facility in Purwodadi, East Java, where she was born and raised. Sukanti was then kidnapped and captured as a sex slave for the unit captain, named Ogawa.

A Kyushu Christians’ group that undertakes the “comfort women” issue invited her to give her testimony in Fukuoka three years ago, with the cooperation of Seinan Gakuin University.

Sukanti shared her experience before a large audience. “I was a nine year old girl at that time, I did not understand what was happening to me.”

去年の春、わたしは中央ジャワに住むこの女性を訪ねました。会話が「安保法制」の話になると、女性は「日本は、私たち被害者に対して謝罪も賠償もしないで、また、戦争の準備をするのですか ?!」とわたしを問い詰めました。
I visited her in Indonesia last spring. When our conversation turned to Japan’s new security legislation, she confronted me, demanding, “Is Japan preparing for war again, when it hasn’t properly apologized or compensated its victims?!”

The crime of her rapist Ogawa is a brutal, barbaric act that cannot be carried out unless one’s humanity has been destroyed. Therefore, he, too, had been damaged by the war. Yet the fact remains that he was a perpetrator who was competent to be held responsible for his crimes, which he had committed in the name of the state.

Rather than take the path of asking for forgiveness and seeking reconciliation, the Japanese government continues to refuse to resolve this issue or take responsibility. War is rape.

As such, I assert in the name of the victimized women that this reinterpreted security legislation is one that legalizes more rape.

This is the cry and the claim of the women who endured the war of rape throughout Asia. We must remember that behind us, the plaintiffs, stand tens of millions more people across this region.

The introduction to this statement is a passage from a poem called “The Clearing,” which is written by a Swedish poet named Tomas Tranströmer, who received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2011.

We Japanese have lost sight of the path that we should take. At the same time, only those who realize that they have lost sight of the road can find it. I appeal to the judge, in addition to restoring the path we have lost, to declare the reinterpreted national security legislation as a constitutional violation in the name of the court of Fukuoka.  Ω

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