


IAEA東京地域事務所所長Robert Davis Hurt殿

No Nukes Asia Actions-Japan

事務局長 崔 勝久

東京都杉並区高円寺南 1-18-14 高南レジデンス102

A Statement in Protest against

the Fukushima Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety

Addressed to:
Mr. Yukiya Amano, Esquire
Director General, the International Atomic Energy Agency

Issued by:
No Nukes Asia Actions - Japan (NNAA-J)
(An anti-nuclear citizen group active in Japan as well as in broader Asia)

Date: December 10th, 2012CE

Dear sir,
The IAEA is soon holding the Fukushima Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety from December15th through 17th, 2012CE, in Fukushima. All of us at No Nukes Asia Actions - Japan are outraged by this Conference, which is to discuss further promotion of nuclear energy in a place none other than Fukushima, the very site of the worst nuclear disaster ever. We hereby call for cancellation of the Conference.
 The IAEA plans to launch a project to remove radioactivity and take care of the health of Fukushima residents affected by the meltdown, in collaboration with Fukushima’s Prefectural Government. The digital edition of a Japanese daily, the Asahi Shimbun, quoted you, Mr. Amano, as saying, “We intend to share lessons from the Fukushima meltdown with the whole world.” (December 2nd Edition)
The plain fact is, however, that the Fukushima I meltdown is still out of control and we have yet to see where the disaster “settles down.” Even now, the collapsed reactors emit some 10 million bq/h of radioactive substances, every single hour. And the decommissioning of the failed reactors is considered to take several decades. This is the time to “repent” over the whole nuclear energy and to identify who is to blame as well as what we should do to help those affected by the disaster. The coming Conference, however, claims to “share lessons from the Fukushima meltdown,” while none of these “repentance, identification, and help” is fully achieved. As long ass a situation like this stands, the coming Conference is considered by many to promote further measures to build “safer nuclear power plants,” which are non-existent.

Fukushima is not to be utilized to “learn lessons from.” Almost 2 million victims are striving hard there to rebuild their communities and living, under the deadly threat of radiation, every single day. The severe accident there destroyed those people’s living, leaving behind deadly radioactivity that remains thousands of years, or even longer. For this catastrophe, to blame are the Japanese Government, power companies, reactor manufacturers, and the international “nuclear complex.” Still, in stead of “repentance,” they are now demonstrating, to the whole world, their “insistence” to carry nuclear energy promotion onwards, in the very place of the recent catastrophe. What can be more criminal and inhuman than such “insistence?” What we, humans, truly need to do today is to learn what nuclear energy really means, out of the Fukushima disaster. Then, we should identify the causes of and responsibilities for the nuclear catastrophe, so national governments, power companies and reactor manufacturers should sincerely “repent.” Also, they are obliged to guarantee to provide sufficient help to those refugees from the affected areas, some 160,000 in number. Furthermore, they must examine the health of residents of Fukushima and neighboring Prefectures and provide the necessary treatments.
The primary responsibility of the IAEA and many other international organizations today is to play the leading role to enable the world to go nuclear-free.

This is the only “lesson” we, humans, have learned from the disasters of Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima. Nuclear power generation can exist and work only upon sacrifice of countless lives - uranium mining exposes numerous laborers as well as neighboring residents to radiation. “Normal” operation of nuclear power plants does the same hazard. Then, once it goes out of hand, a malfunctioning power plant devastates numerous victims. And the radioactivity left over “haunts” many future generations to come. At all these unjustifiable and numerous sacrifices, the “nuclear complex” earns tremendous profits. This is obviously a structure of discrimination. Now it is time we, humans, must abolish this technology of discrimination and cruelty. Fukushima must not be a place of “lessons for safer nuclear energy.” The coming Conference, therefore, must be cancelled, in the name of the dignity of Fukushima’s people.

Seungkoo Choi,
Secretary General,
No Nukes Asia Actions - Japan (NNAA-J) 

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