I am a member of San Luis Obispo Mothers For Peace. Sam Kanno of NNAA in Los Angeles has been in touch with our organization regarding the suppliers' lawsuit and has asked us for a message of support. I have already sent him the following in Japanese and English but he asked that I send the same to the website administrators. Good luck on the upcoming press conference as well as the lawsuit!
In solidarity,
Carole Hisasue
San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace
Message of Solidarity from San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace
San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace supports No Nukes Asia Action's Reactor Suppliers' Lawsuit. It is necessary to abolish the laws in Japan that exempt suppliers of nuclear plant equipment from legal responsibilities for accidents. If these companies are held liable for their products in the same way other manufacturers are, it will discourage them from participating in the nuclear industry. This lawsuit will also educate the general public about the deadly effects of these laws, and will inspire movements in other countries to pursue similar efforts to abolish unjust legal provisions that relieve the nuclear industry of its responsibilities to the general public. The people living in the shadow of the on-going disaster at Fukushima have already paid far too great a price.
San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace has much in common with No Nukes Asia Action. Our organization has for 40 years pursued legal actions against the operation of the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant in California. Like the plants in Fukushima and other areas of Japan, it is near many earthquake faults in the Pacific Ocean. We send our full support for these legal actions.
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